After captivating audiences in Los Angeles, Luna Luna: Forgotten Fantasy, the world’s first art amusement park, is set to make a grand return to the limelight. Opening at The Shed in New York City on November 20th, this enchanting spectacle promises to merge high art with carnival fun, offering a limited-time experience unlike any other.
A Carnival of Artistic Masterpieces
Luna Luna is not just any amusement park; it is a vibrant, kaleidoscopic celebration of 20th-century art. Each attraction is a unique fusion of artistry and amusement, created by some of the most celebrated names in modern art. Imagine taking a spin on a Ferris wheel designed by Jean-Michel Basquiat, or riding a carousel brought to life by Keith Haring’s iconic imagery. The park’s Wave Swinger, crafted by Kenny Scharf, promises to whisk riders away on a whirlwind of color and motion.
Beyond the rides, Luna Luna offers a marriage of art and architecture with immersive pavilions designed by legends such as David Hockney, Salvador Dalí, and Roy Lichtenstein. André Heller’s wedding chapel, a centerpiece of the park, invites visitors to experience art in a deeply personal way, while additional works by Arik Brauer, Sonia Delaunay, and Monika Gil’sing add to the park’s eclectic charm.
A Journey Through Time and Space
The story of Luna Luna is as captivating as the park itself. Conceived by André Heller—a Viennese artist, pop singer, and cultural pioneer—Luna Luna first dazzled audiences in Hamburg, Germany, in the summer of 1987. Over 300,000 visitors flocked to experience this fusion of carnival excitement and high art.
Despite its initial success, Luna Luna faced an unexpected hiatus. The park’s attractions were stored away in Texas for over three decades. The dream seemed lost until entrepreneur Michael Goldberg and the renowned musician Drake took it upon themselves to revive this artistic wonderland. After a meticulous two-year restoration process, the park’s treasures are now poised for their second world tour, starting with their highly anticipated New York City debut.
An Invitation to Experience Art Like Never Before
Luna Luna is more than just an amusement park; it is a celebration of art’s ability to transcend traditional boundaries. By combining the playful thrill of carnival rides with the profound impact of iconic art, Luna Luna invites visitors to explore creativity in a new and exhilarating way.
The limited-time event at The Shed will offer a rare chance to engage with art in a setting that is as immersive as it is whimsical. Whether you’re an art aficionado or simply in search of a unique and joyful experience, Luna Luna promises an unforgettable journey through the intersection of imagination and artistry.
Mark your calendars for November 20th and get ready to step into a world where art meets amusement in the most spectacular fashion. Luna Luna: Forgotten Fantasy awaits to enchant and inspire in the heart of New York City.